Moba Survey 2017

Hi folks,

I’m running a survey about mobas! If you have 10 minutes to spare, I’d be very appreciative if you could take a look (now closed!). This is on behalf of an upcoming moba that I’m working on.


Weekend news

A couple of things for your attention:

  • I will be hanging out at the Galway Game Gathering all weekend! Come say hi if you’re attending.
  • For those of you who have it installed, a very committed user arsjac has reproduced the original Defense of the Ancients mod within Dota2! It’s now a full 1:1 port. I’ve been meaning to review this forever; hopefully I get to it before the end of the year… Go check it out!
  • There is a major site upgrade for lpg in the works! Despite having a lot of content, it isn’t indexed very well at the moment. Expect big changes on that front around late October. (If anyone likes drupal/d3.js development and wants a side project; get in touch!)
  • New twitter account! It will have lpg and maybe some other things too.


MTQ Update

Hi folks,

This project’s still kicking! We should have some new content on its way in the coming weeks. In the meantime…

Material, Time, Quality was one of the most interesting articles on the site for me to write. It was an experimental topic, and I wasn’t fully satisfied with how I was interpreting ‘Quality’ in lane-pushing games.

I’ve now updated that article with my more recent interpretation that sees ‘Quality’ relative to the ‘board state’. It reads more smoothly now, and with the third piece finally in place, the framework is complete as a tool for assessing decisions and trade-offs which might otherwise go unexplored. Check it out!